
The quickest way to reach me is via email: charles (dot) musser (at)

Phone is risky (e.g. I don’t check messages on my office phone). I check email frequently and share my phone #s on a a need to know basis. If you need to talk to a person, call Yale Film Studies Program administrator Katherine Germano. She can be reached at tel: 203-436-4668, FAX: 203-432-6764.


Mail and Shipping:

Charles Musser
PO Box 820 Times Square Stat.
New York, NY 10108


Charles Musser
Film Studies Program
Yale University
53 Wall Street                mail:     PO Box 208363
New Haven, Ct. 06511                New Haven, Ct. 06520



4 comments on “Contact

  1. Dear Charles Musser,
    I am an aquaintence of Ashish Avikunthak and I would like to meet you and talk about your work in film.
    I currently work in Sterling Library in Preservation in Digital, Reformatting & Vendor Services.
    For many years, I also owned and operated East Rock Recording Studio.
    I would like to explore if my work in sound might lead us to work together at some point in some capacity.
    Please contact me if you like.

  2. Hi, I’m also interested in dmrcoentauy film. I have a background in broadcast dmrcoentauy production, but only with small budgets and no budgets. Your much more impressive production background should make it relatively easy for you to establish a career in public history. I’m glad to see that public history is fully embracing new media.I hope that soon we will also see the coming together of new media, public history, and broadcast-quality dmrcoentauy standards. It would be far better if increasing numbers of public historians were able to produce HD content that could either stream or be broadcast via PBS affiliates. I also am interested in digitizing the documentaries and field tapes created by the first generation of videographers in New Orleans. I work on 20th century topics, so I hope to help digitize two New Orleans television news collections (8mm, 16mm, and 3/4 tape) that are housed in an archive but not yet accessible. I look forward to meeting with both of you in April.

  3. Dear Prof.Charles,

    You are the lighthouse of my academic career.

    If you come to China one day, please let me know.

    Sincerely Yours

    Li Mingtao

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